Make Writing  Creative  and  Fun
Fall in love with writing Again or For the First Time.
Orientation, October 1
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You say you want to write, but..

  • You feel stuck.
  • You’re worried your writing is not good enough.
  • You’re afraid what you have to say isn’t important.
  • You don’t know what to write about.
  • You’re fearful your second book won’t be as good as your first.

Writing  is..
a way to transform what happens to us in our own move from passive to active.”

– Julia Cameron, Author of The Artist’s Way

Open up to a big, juicy, creative life — one filled with imagination, play, and intuition.

On the other side of procrastination is big magic!
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Kelly Morgan is a journalist, poet, spoken word performer, teacher and creative writing coach. She’s won poetry slams, published in literary journals and on blogs. Her books include A Visit Home, A World Without Seatbelts and The Howling Coyote Between Your Thighs. She loves teaching and for over 25 years, thousands flocked to her Hollywood workshops: Improvisational Writing, VisionQuest, PowerStory and The Artist’s Way (based on Julia Cameron’s international best-seller.) Julia Cameron says, “You couldn’t find a more sure-footed or inspiring guide.”

Based on her experiences, Kelly developed the Just Say Yes Method for writers and storytellers, making it possible for you to fall in love with writing — again — or for the first time. The Just Say Yes Method of Writing overcomes the most difficult obstacles on your writing journey — Page Fright — the fear of being seen and judged. The proven creative tools of improvisational writing removes blocks and heals unconscious page fright that causes procrastination. In Kelly’s groups, you find comfort and safety empowering you to tap into the moment, express spontaneously, experiment, play, and write with ease from your uncensored, authentic voice.

What if writing turned into something you can’t wait to do? Imagine..

You jump out of bed, eager to write. Sure, you struggle, but challenges stimulate your creativity.

Your writing flows. You surprise yourself. Words come from somewhere else.
You look up at the clock now — hours have passed like minutes!

You have new confidence in your writing. Yahoo! You feel strong and alert! What joy!

You catch yourself daydreaming, singing in the rain, swimming with the dolphins — falling in love with your life.

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Artist’s Way Circle
“Fascinating.. I really love this. Three times in the last decade I’ve committed to doing The Artist’s Way’s program, and each time I’ve learned something important and surprising about myself and my work.. without the Artist’s Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.”
– Elizabeth Gilbert, Author

A practical, spiritual, nurturing book..I feel this is a special book and I wish I’d found it sooner.
– Russell Brand, Comedian, Writer

Kelly & The Artist’s Way Circle For Writing

Kelly has led thousands on this journey. “She Lights Up Your Path so You Can See Where You’re Going.”
Dramatically increase your confidence, productivity and creativity. Free your writing from perfectionism and fall in love with writing again … or for the first time.

About Kelly Morgan, journalist, poet, performance artist, blogger, teacher and writing coach. She’s facilitated Artist’s Way Workshops for 25 years in Hollywood, Taos, Vancouver, Chicago and now on Zoom.

“You couldn’t find a more sure-footed or inspiring guide than Kelly Morgan.” Julia Cameron.Fall in love with your big, juicy creative life again, or for the first time.

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Don’t wake up at age 85 wondering why you never lived your big, juicy, creative writing life.

Procrastination is not laziness, it’s fear. Don’t wait months or years to express yourself. Write more now! Live your big, juicy creative life despite outside circumstances. Together let’s do this!!!
Why should do this ?
Are you stuck? Feeling frustrated? Not writing what really matters? Even if you’ve done The Artist’s Way before — by yourself, or with a group — it’s a new time on your path. You’ve grown, experienced things you never believed possible.

Let go of the stress and fear of the past year. Embrace your creativity and write more … again, or for the first time. Is this only for writers and wanna-be writers? No!

All kinds of people — actors, musicians, visual artist’s, scientists, accountants, waitresses, high school or those with many degrees, the introverted and the extraverted, young — people in all walks of life — benefit from writing more.

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Kelly Morgan
Kelly Morgan is a journalist, poet, spoken word performer, teacher and creative writing coach. She’s won poetry slams, published in literary journals and on blogs. Her books include A Visit Home, A World Without Seatbelts and The Howling Coyote Between Your Thighs. She loves teaching and for over 25 years, thousands flocked to her Hollywood workshops: Improvisational Writing, CreativeQuest, PowerStory and The Artist’s Way (based on Julia Cameron’s international best-seller.) About Kelly, Julia Cameron wrote: “You couldn’t find a more sure-footed or inspiring guide.

Based on Kelly’s teaching and writing experiences, she developed the Just SayYes Method for writers and storytellers, making it possible to fall in love with writing again — or for the first time. The Just Say Yes Method of Writing overcomes the most difficult obstacle on your writing journey  — “Page Fright’. That’s the fear of being seen and judged harshly. The proven creative tools of improvisational writing heals unconscious resistence and procrastination by tapping into the moment, allows spontaneous expression, experimentation, play. Soon you’ll be feeling a sense of comfort when you write from your uncensored, authentic voice.

kelly morgan
“No Matter What your Age or your
life path..
. . . it is not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity.”

– Julia Cameron, Author of The Artist’s Way